domingo, 30 de outubro de 2011

Like a big band on a summer day

Sometimes it seems to be so hard. "Does it worth?", says the guy while the Fab Four tried (did they?) to put an end to a song.

Even if that´s not the right question, yes! it´s worth.

Since you know you´re an enterpriser of your own world, you´re able to put love (the kind of love that´s shared by two completely strangers ´till they really love each other by finding it) in its right place.

A completely lack of selfish and self pleasure, but at the same time something that really goes to the highest level of your counsciousness, making you a mind worker and explorer, and at the very same time occupying the space that´s have been settled down by inferior things.

Uow! What a trip. Need some "happy face fried potatoes" and some Pink Floyd album.

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